Hey, consistency, let’s see how long I can keep it up. It actually does feel good too write again, I just hope I can keep it up and not burn out again. I know that’s not much of an intro but what can you do:

Lord of the Rings Returns To Theaters

Warner Brothers today announced that Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films will be returning to theaters remastered and extended. Luckily one per day and not in a marathon, because that would be an insane act of sadism to sign up for an 11 hour marathon in the theater.

That said, I am excited for this re-release because I never saw these in theaters. I remember how much people loved the films when I was growing up in the early 00’s. One of the first films I remember seeing was Fellowship of the Ring and I loved watching the hell out of our Return of the King DVD. On top of playing the wicked tie-in Return of the King game from EA. So yeah, I’ll be there for this, maybe get some family too sign up for it too.

Bethesda Pulls a Bethesda on Fallout 4

Fallout fans on console have reason to rejoice, as Bethesda has updated Fallout 4 with a next gen update. This update adds a 60fps mode as well as enhanced resolution and various bug fixes. Done to presumably to capitalize on the hype of the Fallout show I haven’t seen but should because I hear good things about it.

Though PS Plus Extra players are being locked out of the update as the patch simply asks them to buy the game. Bethesda says they’re working on it but this is Bethesda we’re talking about so it might take a while.

Fallout players on PC meanwhile get a much worse deal because this patch broke mods, broke the ability to change settings, and otherwise made everything worse. But at least it has the Steam Deck Verified Badge and is on the Epic Games Store now. Which, much like Bethesda’s QA team, doesn’t really do much for the player experience.

The FCC Restores Net Neutrality

But let’s not end this on a downer note, because the FCC finally restored their Net Neutrality rule. This rule had previously said ISPs couldn’t discriminate in bandwidth speeds or internet access. At least until the FCC under Trump revoked it, a choice then blunted by state lawmakers causing a whole legal kerfuffle that goes onto this day. It’s actually very complicated and there’s a lot of background factors that I can’t keep track of.

Personally I feel like it would have been better if Congress had gotten off it’s ass and codified Net Neutrality. But Congress is a crap-shoot these days so I’ll have to take the wins we can get. And this is undeniably a win.

And the tidbit I’ll leave you with today is, if you’re having trouble with a mod, just go to the source and ask the creator. Would have saved me two hours of tinkering with my Steam Deck to play FF7 7th Heaven when the actual fix only took 5 minutes.

Speaking of, I’ve written some reviews on Backloggd and am gonna go write some more… right now.

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